Movement of Players to Higher Divisions within OAAA
The OAAA will strive to have all players play at their applicable age
level. The Association does recognize that there is occasion when this is
neither possible, nor advantageous for all parties and will consider
allowing players to play in one division higher / lower. In order for a
player to be considered fully rostered to a higher / lower division team,
they must meet all OMHA requirements and receive approval from the
OAAA Hockey Committee and League Association. Request must be
submitted in writing to the board and subject to board approval.
a) Players requesting to be moved to another level must submit such a
request and rationale in writing to the OAAA Executive prior to the
tryouts/team selection of that year. Each request will be examined on
an individual basis.
b) Such permission will only be considered for approval by the Hockey
Committee if that player is deemed exceptional in skills and
development and is capable of playing at the higher level and falls into
the top 3 players at his / her position. The team involved must also
have space where the number of registered players permits such a
move. All such moves must also be approved by applicable leagues.