Hockey Canada has developed a Return to Hockey framework that will
review eight areas that have been identified as opportunities to improve
or align our efforts with the customer experience at the grassroots level.
Although each focus is unique in its challenges and solutions, there must
be collaboration to ensure a shared outcome of a safe return to hockey.
Areas of Focus:
1. Customer Engagement – Hockey Canada is committed to gathering
first-hand data and direction, directly from current and future players,
coaches and officials, and grassroots organizers, to shape the Return to
Hockey and future state of the game.
2. Regulations – Hockey Canada will review existing regulations and
their impact on how and when we Return to Hockey; these will include
transition regulations that may be required, taking into consideration
timing, health protocols, and league and geographical structure.
3. Safety & Protocols: How & When We Resume Play – Hockey Canada
will develop consistent and clearly-defined guidelines for returning to
hockey for all Members, partners and leagues to follow to ensure the
safety and well-being of all participants.
4. Officiating – Hockey Canada will review existing training and certification
programs for officials to ensure a national officiating certification program
that can be delivered consistently, safely and effectively from coast to coast
to coast.
5. Coaching – Hockey Canada will review existing certification and training
programs for coaches to ensure a national coach certification program that
can be delivered consistently, safely and effectively from coast to coast to coast.
6. Seasonal Structure, Delivery Model & Registration – Hockey Canada will
review the current seasonal structure, delivery model and registration process
and make recommendations for post-COVID-19 adaptations, including but not
limited to:
Contingency plans on possible Return to Hockey dates, including an evaluation of
the impact on player pathways.
- Modified programming required for adaptive seasonal structures (starts late,
- finishes early, etc.)
- An effective delivery model for hockey post-COVID-19, including implications
- for local hockey associations, ice facilities, etc.
- Current registration processes, including improving accessibility for all families.
7. Events, High-Performance Hockey & National Teams – Hockey Canada will
review and recommend a strategy to determine how future championships are
conducted given the potential cancellation of summer camps and the possibility
of shortened seasons.
8. Marketing & Communications – Hockey Canada is committed to communicating
all nationally-focused developments to educate participants on when and how we
will return to the game.