Are You Ready For Hockey?, News (Orono Amateur Athletic Association)

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Sep 22, 2020 | jcaplan | 898 views
Are You Ready For Hockey?
The OAAA wants to remind everyone that hockey season is coming VERY soon!

Yes, the season will be different but we are very close to getting back on the ice!  Our Return to Play plan has been submitted to the OMHA for approval.  Once this plan is approved, we will be able to obtain our insurance and get on the ice!

Our Return to Play plan has been carefully crafted to ensure all Provincial and Municipal guidelines are followed but also to ensure all guidelines from Durham Public Health, the Ontario Hockey Federation and the Ontario Recreational Facilities Association are also followed.  The health and safety of all our players, coaches and families is paramount to us!  We will communicate this plan to everyone once it is approved by the OMHA.  

Parents should know that once we have the approval to get back on the ice, there may not be much advance notice because our ice is in and waiting for us.  This would be a good time to get the equipment out of storage and make sure everything fits!

Please note:  You must have submitted the Confirmation form and made the first installment of $150 of the registration fee before your child can step on the ice.  Please make sure you do this ASAP!

If you have any questions about the registration process or fees please contact us at [email protected]

If you have equipment that you are no longer using or have outgrown, consider our new Classifieds section of the website to sell that equipment or pass it down to a younger player!

See you on the ice soon!
Tim Hortons Timbits
Tim Hortons is a proud sponsor of our Timbits program!
McDonald's Atomc
McDonald's is a proud sponsor of our U11 Division!