Away Games - Arena Protocols, News (Orono Amateur Athletic Association)

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Oct 29, 2020 | jcaplan | 1468 views
Away Games - Arena Protocols

As we get set to begin our games, it is important that all OAAA players, coaches and parents are aware of the arena protocols for the arenas used by the Newcastle Stars and the Durham Crusaders.

Newcastle Arena


Newcastle Minor Hockey home rink is Newcastle Memorial Arena, Municipality of Clarington

Arena Manager:  Bryan Wiltshire ([email protected])

Arena Protocols:  (as of Oct 27) 

Arrival at Arena

  • Arrive 20 min before start time, and line up on distanced spots along wall on East side of building

  • Complete health screening for child and parent entering building - manager/coach will confirm its done

  • Arena staff will let group in 10 min prior to ice time (doors will be locked from outside, no in/out privilege)

  • Enter building dressed in equipment

While in the Arena

  • Face Masks must be worn at all times, including coach staff on bench. No mask needed on ice

  • Chairs in the lobby will be dedicated to each skater to put skates on

  • When skates are on, player will take belongings, walk to south end of the arena and put on dedicated marked area in stands location. Player will then enter onto ice

  • Changerooms closed  **at this time

  • Max 25 on ice allowed **at this time

Exiting the Arena

  • Players exit ice, and they will sit on chairs/stands to take skates off (teams will be separated)

  • All participants will promptly exit building using South Exit (will be well marked)

  • Cleaning between ice times will disinfect chairs/high touch areas prior to next teams entering


  • Must complete health screening prior to entry, wear mask, and sit in designated viewing areas with physical distance

  • Max 1 spectator / participant, up to max of 20 people  **at this time

  • Siblings aged 4 and under allowed, but must sit with parent at all times (no running around arena)


Town of Whitby Arenas 


-Spectators and participants must wear a mask upon entry

-Specific doors must be used based on which ice pad is being used (see chart below)

Iroquois Park Sports Centre (IPSC): 500 Victoria Street West, Whitby

(905) 668-7765

Pad Number

Entrance Doors

Pad 1: Scotiabank Arena

Exterior doors on south side (adjacent to main doors)

Pad 2: Whitby Orthodontics Arena

IPSC Main Doors

Pad 3: OWASCO Arena

Exterior East doors adjacent to Boston Pizza

Pad 4: Okanagan Hockey Academy

North Courtyard

Pad 5:

North Courtyard

Pad 6: Desjardins Arena

North Courtyard

McKinney Centre: 222 McKinney Drive, Whitby (905) 655-2203

Arena Number

Entrance Doors

Pad 1

Main Entrance

Pad 2

North Lobby Entrance Doors

Prior to play:  

  • Teams will be permitted to enter the facility, as a group, no earlier than 10 minutes prior to their designated ice time (it is strongly recommended that the coach/manager/organizer assemble the entire team and have them enter together, partially dressed)

  • Parents/Guardians must be prepared to enter the facility with the team; no in and out privileges will be permitted

  • Organizations must keep a record of participants/members attending in person activities for contact tracing purposes

  • Participants should bring a full water bottle (there will be no access to fountains, filling stations, etc.)

  • Change Rooms:  Change rooms, will be open for use at arenas and sanitized after each permit day. Users should physically distance as much as possible in change rooms.  Participants are strongly encouraged to attend the facility ready to play with limited change requirements. Change rooms should be vacant 10 minutes after the end of activity to ensure that other groups can access the facility on time. The Town will post change room capacity limits outside of the change rooms and permit holders will be required to ensure those limited are followed.

While Participating: 

  • Players’ benches are available for use during the permitted activity; participants should physically distance as much as possible when utilizing the benches.  

  • All non-participants (e.g. coaches, trainers) are required to wear a mask while on the bench.  

Spectators: The total number of Parents/Guardian permitted to be in the arena at any one time is limited to the number that can maintain a physical distance of at least two metres from every other person, and in any event, this number cannot exceed 50 (including the number of players/bench staff). 

City of Oshawa Arenas


-Spectators and participants must wear a mask upon entry

*see chart below for rules/regulations specific to each arena and dressing rooms as well as entry/exit locations

Prior to play:

  • All participants of a rental are to enter the facility at the same time; 15 minutes prior to the start of the rental

  • There are designated areas outside of the arena for participants to line up and wait for City of Oshawa staff.  City of Oshawa staff will screen participants outside and then allow them into the facility

  • Users are required to provide a participant list, naming all participants including coaches and their phone number and email address

  • Players are to arrive dressed

  • Players should bring a full water bottle (no access to fountains/filling stations)

Spectators:At this point in time, the total number of people per arena is 25, including players, coaches and spectators.  Spectators may not bring in any outside food or drink, will have no in and out privileges and will not have access to common areas (excluding washrooms)

Delpark Homes Centre: 1661 Harmony Road N., Oshawa

(905) 436-5455

  • Enter and exit through North facility doors

  • 2 dressing rooms available (6 people per room)

  • Remaining players and coaches will have access to a chair that is socially distanced within the arena

Harman Park Arena: 829 Douglas Street, Oshawa (905) 725-3536

  • Entry is through the main doors and directly into either the north or south ice pad

  • Exit is from the arena (directly to outside); do not re-enter the lobby

  • No dressing rooms available; 1 changing zone will be created for each ice pad

Orono Weekly Times
5310 Main Street, Orono 905-983-5301
Gibson's Building Supplies
85 Station Street, Orono 905-983-8000