We are happy to be opening the registration for the 2022/2023 hockey season. Please follow the link at the bottom to the Orono store on the Hockey Canada Registration website.
If your player(s) has played before for another association, you must LET US KNOW, so we can request a transfer for your player. Once completed, we will let you know and you can complete steps 2 and 3.
If your player is new to hockey, please follow steps 1-3.
If you player has played for Orono, please complete step 2 and 3.
Steps to Complete Registration
1. One parent per family is required to complete a Respect in Sport Parent Program. This program follows families and their players throughout their hockey career. If you have already completed this for either another child or another sport, you do have the option to add a player under Child Management or Import a Certificate.
If you have not done this program yet, the cost is just under $13 and takes a couple of hours to complete.
Here is the link for the program - https://omhahockeyparent.respectgroupinc.com/
2. Complete your players registration with Hockey Canada, as we have discovered that the best way to allow parents and guardians to keep track of their players, payments and all things Hockey Canada, is to have YOU complete stage one of registration for your player(s) yourselves by clicking this link -
You will need to "register now", and complete the necessary information, waivers, etc. needed. When you have completed the registration, you will see an invoice for the full amount, and then once your payment has been allocated (please allow some time for this as we are a two-person show), you will receive your updated invoice reflecting payment.
3. Payments can now be made by etransfer, VISA, Mastercard, Debit.
If you are choosing to pay by etransfer, payments can be made to this email address - [email protected]
When sending the etransfer please make the security question your child(ren)’s name(s) and the password oronohockey.
For Example, the question would be Ryder Mercer and the password will be oronohockey.
Once you have completed this process, we will go in and apply payments as they are received, allowing you to have access to this information. Please keep in mind that we are a volunteer association, so this process may take time.
Again, for brand new players to hockey, you will not be able to do #2 if you haven't done #1.
Registration and participation in the Orono Amatuer Athletic Association (OAAA) is subject to your payment of the following Fees, which can be paid via credit card using a third party provider ( ) or payable via etansfer to [email protected] (please make your player(s) name the question, and "oronohockey" as the password) under the following payment structure.
Early Bird Fee –
U5 (2017) - $460
All other levels - $610
After August 1st, fees increase to the following and a $75 late fee will be applied –
U5 (2017) - $535
All other levels - $685
Payments can be made via "offline" etransfer payments or by using Sportspay, our third-party payment platform. Payment options are etransfer or by Visa, Mastercard or Visa/Mastercard Debit.
Payment in full upon registration or by August 1st, or 2 payments divided and due upon registration (no later then August 1st) and October 1st
Please follow proper etransfer instructions as outlined during registration and subsequent communications.
Failure to pay at scheduled times could result in your player losing their place within the OAAA.
All costs are based on allotted scheduled ice and can be modified by the executive of the OAAA only.
A player is only deemed to be cancelled upon email notification to the Registrar at [email protected].
Cancellation from the season prior to or before September 1, 2022 will receive a full refund of fees paid minus a $50 administration fee.
Cancellation on or before October 1, 2022 will receive a full refund on total amount of fees received minus a $150 administration fee. Once a player has been on the ice, costs such as OMHA and Hockey Canada insurance and assessments fees have been incurred by the league.
No refunds on or after November 1, 2022.
*Should we be unable to fill a program, the OAAA reserves the right to cancel the program and provide the players a prorated refund based on the amount of ice times used.
The following terms and conditions (these “Terms”) are made between the Orono Amateur Athletic Association (herein the “OAAA”), a Ontario Non-Profit corporation governed by the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (herein the “OMHA”) and the Ontario Hockey Federation (herein the “OHF”) and the Player, including the Parent and Guardian (if under the age of 18), if any, identified during the registration process online. Information inputted online on oaaa.ca (the “Website”) and these Terms together constitute the entire agreement between you and the OAAA (the “Agreement”). In this Agreement, the words “you” and “your” refer to the Player, the Parent and the Guardian, jointly and severally.
In consideration of your participation in the OAAA, as further described in Section 1 below, you agree to comply with the terms of this Agreement including paying all fees and charges set out in this Agreement (collectively, the “Fees”) to the OAAA.
The League program will run as follows:
Anticipated Start Date: The league will commence no later than October 2022. This is an anticipated start date and may be modified pending instructions from the OMHA and the OHF.
End Date: The league is anticipated to end at the end of April 2023, however can be subject to change.
Game Format: The game format is undecided for each level at this time, and will be structured based on recommendation from the OMHA and OHF.
Facility: All home ice will be held at Orono Arena and Community Centre located at 2 Princess St. Orono, Ontario, L0B 1M0.
Schedule: Games will be scheduled any time between Sunday-Saturday, and will not be determined until no later than September 2021.
Apparel: Participation in league also includes a jersey and socks for levels U5, U7, U8 and U11. Level U9 and all levels U13 and older will be loaned jerseys for game purposes only, however will be provided socks.
All players, parents and guardians, as well as extended family of OAAA are thus expected to:
· conduct themselves at all times in a manner consistent with the values of OAAA which include fairness, integrity and mutual respect,
· demonstrate through words and actions the spirit of sportsmanship, sports leadership and ethical conduct,
· avoid behaviour which brings OAAA or the sport of hockey into disrepute including, but not limited to, abusive use of alcohol, use of non-medical drugs or performance-enhancing drugs or methods, and use of alcohol by minors,
· adhere at all times to:
- OAAA’s bylaws, policies, procedures, rules, regulations and directives,
- OMHA operational policies, procedures, rules and regulations,
- rules and regulations governing any competitions in which the member participates on behalf of OAAA,
- rules and regulations established by the facilities in which the member participates on behalf of OAAA,
- any contracts or agreements executed with or by OAAA,
- any sanction imposed by OAAA
· care for and respect the property and assets of OAAA,
· refrain from engaging in any activity or behaviour which interferes with a competition or with any player or team’s preparation for a competition, or which endangers the safety of others, and
· refrain from comments or behaviours which are disrespectful, humiliating, demeaning, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist. In particular, behaviour which constitutes bullying, harassment or abuse will not be tolerated, and will be dealt with under OMHA’s Harassment & Abuse policy.
Failure by a Member or Participant to comply with the expected standard of conduct set out above constitutes an infraction and may result in disciplinary action, and the OAAA, may, at its sole discretion, terminate your Agreement with immediate effect and you will not be entitled to any refund of any Fees paid.
Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the sole and entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Program, and supersede all prior and contemporaneous written or oral understandings, agreements, representations and warranties.
Any personal information shared with OAAA for the purpose of registration will remain private and confidential and will not be shared with any outside organization without written consent.
The player, parent or guardian (if 18 years old or younger) does hereby consent for the player named in this registration to participate in the OAAA hockey program, and hereby release from liability this association in the event of accident/injury.