Nov 29, 2023 | Michelle Broadhagen | 263 views
Picture Day 2023/2024
Picture Day will be held on Wednesday, December 6th and Thursday December 7th upstairs at the arena Community Centre.
Players are required to wear FULL equipment from shoulders to ankles. NO skates, helmets or neck guards required.
Coaches have full details.
Please see below for the schedule.
Wednesday December 6 Thursday December 7
Time Division & Team Time Division & Team
4:30-5:00pm Free Time 4:30-5:00pm Free Time
5:00-5:15pm U7-3 5:00-5:15pm U5
5:15-5:30pm U7-4 5:15-5:30pm U5
5:30-5:45pm U7-1 5:30-5:45pm U5
5:45-6:00pm U7-2 5:45-6:00pm U7-5
6:00-6:15pm U8-1 6:00-6:15pm U7-6
6:15-6:30pm U8-2 6:15-6:30pm U7-7
6:30-6:50pm U11-1 6:30-6:45pm U7-8
6:50-7:00pm Catchup 6:45-7:00pm U8-3
7:00-7:20pm U11-5 7:00-7:20pm U15-1
7:20-7:40pm U13-1 7:20-7:40pm U9-2
7:40-8:00pm U13-2 7:40-8:00pm U9-3
8:00-8:20pm U9-1 8:00-8:20pm U18-2
8:20-8:40pm U11-2 8:20-8:40pm U11-4
8:40-9:00pm U11-3 8:40-9:00pm U11 SELECT
9:00-9:20pm U15-2 9:00-9:20pm U18-1
9:20-9:40pm U18 REP 9:20-9:40pm U18-3